Hello Chandra,
there are several errors in your file:
- the list of table.columns has to be enclosed in square brackets, not in curly brackets
- the comma after the last column (GrossAmount) is not right
- table.primarkey is not right, it is called table.primaryKey
Here is the corrected syntax:
table.schemaName = "cs_test"; table.tableType = COLUMNSTORE; table.description = "Workshop order Header"; table.columns = [ { name = "OrderId"; sqlType = NVARCHAR; nullable = false; length = 10; }, { name = "CreatedBy"; sqlType = NVARCHAR; nullable = false; length = 10; }, { name = "CreatedAt"; sqlType = DATE; nullable = false; }, { name = "Currency"; sqlType = NVARCHAR; nullable = false; length = 5; }, { name = "GrossAmount"; sqlType = DECIMAL; nullable = false; precision = 15; scale = 2; defaultValue = "0"; } ]; table.primaryKey.pkcolumns = ["OrderId"];
Please check also if your schema "cs_test" is really written in lower case.
Best Regards,